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6 Essential Tips for Surviving the hol

Once more, the holiday season is upon us. The ostensibly joyous stretch of time (about 63 days) between Halloween and January 2 could be a festive Zhen De Shou time for many. But for others, it's really a miserable brouhaha of high drama and anxiety.

Below are great tips:

1) Forget about perfectionism and the requirement for control:
Don't expect family gatherings to visit smoothly where everyone gets along perfectly all the time. This is an impossible prospect. The same goes for holiday decorations, travel arrangements and buying the right gift for everyone, etc. It is unnecessary to spend lots of money on gifts, especially if you not have the resources. Instead, set practical budgets for gift buying, travel and such. Overspending can result in depression when the bills arrive. Accept that temporarily saving money and spending modestly is ok. Accept that there is little go perfectly because nothing ever does. Believe that you cannot take control of your family or anyone for that matter.

2) Don't try to be somebody you aren't:
Don't feel obliged to be merry and cheerful constantly. That creates a lot of undue stress and makes you feel guilty because you think that since other people are happy constantly, that they are not, you ought to be too. If you're "feeling down" during the holidays, try to be cordial with family and friends without having to fake it. There is no reason to act falsely cheerful as well as in contrast, pointless to become a "Grinch." If you can, concentrate on the positives of the holidays and remain as neutral as possible. And, if a person questions your lack of enthusiasm, politely explain (choose your own courteous reply here) that you are a little under the weather and can be feeling better tomorrow.

3) Create be considered a saint:
Don't pretend you have a halo too deep. Don't say "yes" all the time whenever you really mean "no." Otherwise, you will end up overextending or over-committing yourself with a lot of obligations to fulfill. This may cause you to go into overwhelm. In reality, no one is keeping score except, maybe you. Set realistic expectations regarding obligations, how much time you spend with family, etc. Set clear boundaries and limits with other people by what you are able to and can't do. It's okay to say "no" sometimes and choose that you cannot satisfy everyone constantly.

4) Don't romanticize past holidays:
Don't fall into the trap of comparing past holidays to current ones. When you compare, you despair and it will undoubtedly result in serious holiday blues. Don't dwell on happy times in the past that cannot be recaptured. Since you are not going in that direction, there is no reason to keep looking back. Accept and acknowledge that as time pass, rituals and traditions change, members of the family move away, loved ones pass on, etc. Yesteryear is in the past. Believe that every year it will be a little different, and that's okay.

5) Don't set yourself up for failure:
Don't start trading for major disappointment by making too many big-ticket "New Year's" resolutions that never get met. Don't shoot excessive for major alterations in your lifetime which are unrealistic. At first, try to strive for smaller and much more attainable ones. For instance, don't say "I wish to slim down the coming year." That's too broad and never easily measurable. Say, "By April 15, 2015, I will lose 10 pounds," etc. Also, try writing the New Year's goals down on paper. The probability of you really achieving them increases if you transfer the concept from thought to paper. Keep the list near to you and refer to it every day.

6) Don't lose sight of the true message of the holidays:
A lot of us wind up "hating" the holiday season partly because we forget the true nature of the season. In actuality, christmas is really more about reconnecting with family and friends and following your rules to one another. It has little related to exotic spending, perfectionism and looking happy all the time. If we forget this fundamental detail, the holiday season become a stressful, expensive, obligatory exercise everyone has to grudgingly plow through each year.

And lastly, limit drinking Jimpness Beauty and other mood-altering substances. Alcohol is a depressant. If you're depressed throughout the holidays and you are drinking alcohol, you are treating depression with a depressant. Bad idea.

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