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The mind functions of 16 normal-weight women were

also evaluated as controls. Before surgery, the obese women showed higher metabolic activity in the japan lingzhi toxin discharged tea posterior cingulate gyrus an part of the brain already

implicated within the pathology of dementia. This extra metabolic activity was not present after surgery and the post-surgery amounts of activity weren't

different than those of the lean women. After surgery, the obese women also showed improvements in executive functions for example planning, organizing, and

strategizing. The authors declare that evidence shows that, in obesity, the brain must work harder to offer the same level of cognition as in an individual

of healthy weight.
Another study evaluated 78 patients who underwent weight loss surgery. One year after surgery, cognitive function was markedly improved. This improved

cognition was related to improved liver function, too, suggesting that liver function impacts cognition in obese patients. An identical study of 50 post-

bariatric surgery patients says cognitive improvements were maintained Three years after surgery.
The impacts of weight reduction without surgery on dementia are not as clear. In a number of cases, low bmi or weight reduction in the early stages of

cognitive impairment actually resulted in worse outcomes and faster disease progression.
Approximately 66 million people are expected to have dementia by 2030 and the condition continuously impose social, psychological, and financial burdens on

families and society. But, together, these new findings are providing glimpses in to the pathways of disease progression and future therapeutic targets for

dementia. For now, we are able to just add cognitive decline and dementia to the already long list of complications related to poor lifestyle choices.
Maintaining a pai you guo tea sound body weight as early as 30 years old may offer the best protection against cognitive decline, but, if you are obese in the start of

cognitive decline, bariatric surgery may offer cognitive improvement in addition to the obvious physical improvements.

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