meiziatng soft of health
Showing meiziatng soft of healthy slim

dr ming tea prefer reduced carb weight

Even though it is highly unlikely these latest findings will be the last word within the bagel versus bacon debate, there are some habits all dieters agree

to condemn, and snacking while watching television sits at the top of that list. It is generally accepted that TV watchers consume greater than those focused

solely on their own food, but researchers in the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab sought to know more. So how exactly does the type of programming you

watch influence your caloric intake?

They conducted research that divided 94 participants into three groups. A third watched the 2005 action movie, "The Island," another watched that same movie

with the sound switched off, and a third watched PBS' "Charlie Rose" talk show. The results, published Monday within the Journal of the Ama: Internal

Medicine, revealed that those watching "The Island" with the sound on ate 98 percent greater than those watching "Charlie Rose." Those watching "The Island"

on mute still ate 36 percent greater than the "Charlie Rose" group.

Researchers think that faster paced programming with increased camera cuts distracts viewers and results in these to overeat. So whether you choose a fat-

free snack like rice cakes, or perhaps a low-carb snack like almonds, research suggests that eating together with your TV tuned to "Charlie Rose" (or any

other quality PBS programming, such as the NewsHour) is an excellent method to help keep calories under control.

Hillary and Bill Clinton veto vegan and prefer reduced carb weight loss diet
After undergoing heart surgery, former President Bill Clinton chose to become a vegan. But physician Dr. Mark Hyman persuaded Clinton and the wife Hillary to

shift to a sugar-free reduced carb diet that's been shown to boost weight loss more effectively. Consequently, Clinton lost 30 pounds, reported the

International Business Times on Sept. 1.

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