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None of these findings proves or disproves the effectiveness of using Lose It! or other smartphone apps because, as Wharton explained, members of the memo

and pencil-and-paper groups received dietary counseling throughout tomato plant weight loss the study, but the app group didn't. Also, this was only a small feasibility study to see

if it made sense to do a larger one.

"It might not have been long enough to see any differentiation one of the three methods," he said.

What is the study's take-home message then?

"The technology behind the app proved helpful at helping people lose weight," he said. "This is essential, especially as companies such as Apple and Google

introduce wearable technology items that can, among other things, assist with weight reduction."

The research also shows you need to think about how we interact with these apps, exactly what the interface looks like, how easy it is to go in data, whether

the app includes counseling and just what kind.

Wharton and his colleagues intend to continue studying these apps; he wishes to conduct a bigger version of the study.

For now, anyone considering starting a weight-loss program should think about downloading and taking advantage of one of the many weight-loss apps available.

HEALTHY EATING: Slow but steady wins the weight-loss battle
Many super slim green lean body people attempt to lose weight as soon as possible but this often backfires. We are an impatient population. If hungry we predict to be seated

immediately in a restaurant. When the cable box malfunctions we want it fixed pronto, and end up forgetting about driving cautiously.

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